The poems posted here are not written by me, untill specifically mentioned!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


What is silence....
As per Wikipedia,
"Silence is the relative or total lack of audible sound. By analogy, the word silence may also refer to any absence of communication, even in media other than speech. Silence is also used as total communication, in reference to non verbal communication and spiritual connection."

While I was searching for the 'meaning' of silence, I found something else too..
Pure Silence...
It said, "This pure silence is what some have called Truth, Infinity, Reality, Enlightenment, Nothingness, God, Great or Holy Spirit, The Now, True Self, I am, Consciousness and Love. This silence is a mystery beyond mind, beyond what the human brain can fully comprehend. Like a beautiful diamond, we can only see a few facets at a time. This mystery is seemingly far beyond us-our capacity to understand, to know. And yet this is contained within our very selves, and this contains us as well."

How beautiful.
We generally use silence to defend, to shield, to block away from a situation or a place and pure silence talks about just the opposite, to be part of it, to accept, to embrace all that is around you.
Silence is what we use to introspect but do you actually do that or just create more mind chatter. Pure Silence helps us be one with the universe, when there are no thoughts, no clutter, no analysis, nothing.... Just silence....

So, when someone told me today that I want to be left alone, I want to spend some time in silence with myself. My question was are you truly silent or you just want to be alone with your thoughts.
Yes, we all do that when we say, "leave me alone!" What we are actually saying is, "Leave me alone because I want to let my thoughts grow on me, I don't want anyone to question my thoughts, I don't want anyone to make me uncomfortable".
So, is silence the solution?
NO, is what I say... Such silence is not going to lead us anywhere... It would just add to the clutter & take us in circles... So, speak up! Talk, bring forth whatever is there in your mind, confront it and let a close soul take your thoughts by it's horns... Feel the discomfort, get angry put all your emotions in feeling what you feel...Fight, disagree, argue but don't close in... Keep an open mind! Speak up to a close soul & NOT the reason of those emotions... Once you have dealt with the emotions, then speak again, this time to the person who had raised the emotions at the first place. You would be calmer, saner & would be able to hold a better, logical conversation. Once you have done that, be silent.

Only now you have earned to be silent. Only now can you be truly silent!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

It's Time

Yes, it's time to come back here....
I have visited this place many times in last three years but never posted anything...
Why, I asked myself!
The answer, I was not ready to share a part of me... Maybe I was not ready to share some facts with myself... I was running, yes I wanted to run away from everything, everything I have lived for or believed in... To create all from the beginning... But, we have a beginning in every moment.

Yes, today I begin again, hope not to whiter away but to stay till eternity....
Tall call, isn't it! But, what is life without some impossible dreams!