The poems posted here are not written by me, untill specifically mentioned!

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Sometimes I wonder what it is like to be free,
Like a monkey swinging from tree to tree,
Or like young eagles way in the skies,
Calling to each other with joyful cries.
Oh, to be free and without a care,
Not to live in bondage or constant fear.
To live each day and spread my wings,
To be forever untouched by negative things.

I got my answer today!
I experienced life which is free of bondage, I did fly today and did it without any care or concern

Oh my soul flew high up in the sky today..
It was heavenly!

Friday, December 08, 2006


I have recently caught my self thinking a lot about things which I want to do but havenot.
The reason the usual... I dont have time....

But, do I dont have time or have I choosen to not have time......

After all its again me who says that life is about the choices you make...
